Wednesday, 18 December 2019

DIY Christmas present: earrings

Earrings DIY


I really hadn't planned any Christmas article to be honest. And yet I wanted to present you one, because Christmas is not happening everyday! Therefore, I decided to show you how to create earrings very easily and rapidly. You will be able to either wear them on D-day, or offer them to someone else.
Jewelry is kind of universal, isn't it?
Anyways I looove jewelry so much, that my friends make fun of it all the time. But that's another story...😆
These earrings can as well serve you as an inspiration, this way you can choose all the features yourself: color, form, pattern etc. There are really many many options of things to do starting with the same base. I will give you a few examples of that a bit lower..!

Let's do it! Do not hesitate to ask me if you have any question regarding a step of the tutorial, or anything else you might be struggling with. I will be pleased to answer your question!

What you will need: 

*Yes, I'm sorry, the picture doesn't exactly fit to the material needed;oupsi*

3  pieces of polymer clay of your choice
An x-acto knife
A blade (optional)
A rolling pin
4 flat head pins
Jewelry glue
2 jump rings
2 earrings backs and posts 
A round nose or crimp pliers

List of material

Step 1
Start by warming up the two pieces of clay that you will use for the bead, by kneading them. Once they are malleable, create two tubes with them. Then, twist them together as is shown on the picture.

Step 2
Fold the tube that you get in half, and repeat the twisting. This will allow you to create a marble effect. Once you are satisfied with the pattern, cut the tube in 12 identical parts, using the x-acto knife or the blade.

Step 3
Create small beads with each of the 12 parts, by rolling them between your palms.
Step 4
Using a flat head pin, form a whole in each of the beads. Be careful not to distort them!

Step 5
Then, take the white clay piece, and warm it up by kneading it. Flatten it evenly out using the rolling pin.
With the help of the x-acto knife, cut out a semi-circle about 5mm wide. Use the first one to cut out the second, this will help you to have two identical earrings!
Step 6
Make a small whole on each side of the semi-circles, using a flat head pin. Bake all of the pieces you made as it is explained on the clay packaging.


Step 7
Once they are out of the oven, let them cool down before gluing the earrings posts on the semi-circles. I used liquid Fimo before baking the pieces, but it didn't work very well. Therefore, I advise you to use jewelry glue after the baking!
Step 8
Take a flat head pin and make it go through three beads. Using a round nose or crimp pliers, form an eye with the remaining part of the pin.

Step 9

 Then, using the crimp pliers, assemble the different parts as shown on the picture. To open the jump rings, do not expand them by pulling on each side. You must push one side of the jump ring to the back, and make the other side come to the front. This way you will open them without distorting them.

And tadam! Your earrings are already finished! If you like, you can varnish them, but I prefer them matte.

Earrings DIY

 Do not hesitate to adapt the colors of the different elements according to your own taste. You can really go crazy and create completely different styles. For instance, if I had done the beads in a gradation of greys to black, it would have been very classy and chic. Now if I had done the beads in green, pink and yellow, and the semi-circles in blue, it would have been very joyful but not quite discrete 😀.

If you need any material for the creation of jewelry, I would advise you to go have a look at La petite épicerie 's website. (It is a french website, but they also ship internationally.)They have an enormous amount of creative stuff and material of good quality and quite cheap.

Tell me if you liked this DIY, and if you've reproduced it!
By the way, would it be more convenient to you if I linked the references of the material I use in the list of the material needed? Or is it better to list everything at the end? Or is it nice to just have the website's link as I did here?
Your opinion does really interest me in order to improve my articles!

Anyways if you've come to this point, I would like to thank you a lot for reading my article.

Have a nice Christmas break!


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